Anura3D Short Course

Short Course: Introduction to Anura3D MPM Modeling

General Information

This short course is an introduction to the Material Point Method (MPM) through the use of Anura3D Software, geared towards new users of MPM software. The course instructors are from the Anura3D Research Community: Abdel Alsardi, Dr. Luis Zambrano-Cruzatty, and Jonathan Moore.

You can register here or using the same link as the MPM workshop registration on the main page. The short course is limited to a maximum of 20 participants, on a first-come first-served basis. Registering for the MPM worskshop does NOT automatically register you for the Anura3D Short Course.

When & Where

The short course will be held after the conclusion of the MPM conference, on September 6th 2024 from 1:00pm to 5:00pm (PT).

Exact location TBD, but it will be held within the UC Berkeley Campus.

When: September 6th 2024 Following the MPM Workshop from 1pm to 5PM (PT)


Participants must provide their own laptop with Windows 10 (or newer) and have the ability to install software on the laptop. Detailed installation requirements will be sent to the registered participants before the short course. Additional information about the installation requirements can be found in the tutorial manual in the documents section of the Anura3D Github page: